A blogger friend of mine and graphic designer, Vanessa Adao is now devoting herself to textile design! Vanessa is originally from Brazil & now lives in Los Angeles where she is currently devoting herself to blogging & textile design!
Her textiles are a mixture of FUN colors that are reminiscent of her homeland in Brazil! She recently exhibited her textiles at Print Source in NYC and was able to share some of those images with us!
For those of you who aren’t familiar with Print Source it is the Premier Market for Surface & Textile Design in the USA & holds up to 3 shows a year! It’s a great place to go if you’re looking to break into the FABRIC design business as they showcase hundreds of collections by international surface & textile design studios and agents!
If you have a minute check out Vanessa’s blog & site, she’s definitely someone to talk to if you have a question or two about starting your own business!
-images by vanessa adao
The post Textile Designer: Vanessa Adao appeared first on Made By Girl.